"You Have Now Eaten Thirty-Four Spiders" in Eclectica Magazine's 20th Anniversary Speculative Anthology
Tuesday, December 13, 2016 at 12:24PM
Sean Gill

Sean Gill's short story "You Have Now Eaten Thirty-Four Spiders," originally published by Eclectica Magazine in April 2014, has been collected in their 20th Anniversary print anthology, which is available for purchase here. Of the anthology, Charles Yu (Sorry Please Thank You, How to Live Safely in a Science Fictional Universe) writes:

"Sean Gill’s 'You Have Now Eaten Thirty-Four Spiders' conjures an entire world with economy and verbal wit. And Anthony W. Brown’s 'AquaSerene (A Fish Story)' is as arresting and vibrant and raw as anything I’ve read in a journal or collection in a long time. That so much interesting work was published by one magazine is a testament to the openness and wide-ranging taste of the editors, and their finely attuned ability to detect, in many strange, fresh and unfamiliar styles and tones, something new and pure, of a melody, of a real singer singing a real song, in a key that hasn’t been heard before."

Article originally appeared on Sean Gill Films (https://www.seangillfilms.com/).
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